Our fertility Journey

Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Our fertility Journey

by Baily Feltch

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $10,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $330.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$330.00 raised of $10,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.

Baily Feltch is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

My name is Baily and I struggle with infertility. For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted to be a mom. I want to experience pregnancy and I want to raise a great kid. Through the years I have found myself working with children and deciding that early childhood education was the path I wanted to take. It has played a big roll in my desire to become a mother. In 2012 I took the first steps to finding help and getting answers about my problems to conceive. Answers were one thing I did not get. I was diagnosed with ” Unexplained Infertility ” this was not what I was hoping to hear because I had hoped there was something to be fixed. This was not the case and with everything looking good and showing to be right where you would want to be if you were TTC (trying to conceive). I underwent my first IUI (inter uterine insemination) with no luck from this treatment and the cost from just the first IUI held me from moving forward until now. 11 years later and I have still been unable to conceive on my own and my fear of only getting older and the chances decreasing rapidly have me in nothing can stop me mentality. My husband’s insurance covers $5,000 towards infertility treatment and he gave me the gift of being eligible of receiving this help. But even with that the cost will be more then I think he realizes. In order to have access to those funds means we still need to reach our deductible which is $8,000. I really do not want the cost of treatment to be the reason again I never get my chance to be a mother. On average one round of IVF is $12,000-$14,000 and the possibility of needing more then one round is high. This is not including the medications and injectable hormones that you must pay to the pharmacy filling the prescription. This can be anywhere from $3,000-$6,000. And ofcourse you have the original consultation fees, analysis fees, traveling to and from the clinic and still trying to live and afford the regular bills.
I would regularly not be one to ask for help but if I can get the smallest amount of support to finally try again I would be so appreciative. I do not want cost to hold me back and I do not want the guilt that I should be using my money for other important things that are needed. This has been my biggest issue is the “its not the right time” I’ve decided its never gonna be the right time and waiting around is getting me no where. So with that said if you felt you could donate even $5 this $5 will be used for good and it will be such a big help. If you are not in a place to donate we happily would take prayers and good vibes sent our way on our fertility journey.
We appreciate all of you and we are thankful for the support.

With love,
Robb & Baily

Name Donation Date
Kasidy Tanner $100.00 October 18, 2023
Anonymous $50.00 April 21, 2023
Jay Snow $20.00 April 08, 2023
Stormy Morelli $50.00 March 16, 2023
Amy Wall $10.00 February 23, 2023
Cindy Gleason $50.00 February 22, 2023
Elizabeth Parkin $50.00 February 21, 2023
Kasidy Tanner commented with a $100 donation about 1 year ago
Jay Snow commented with a $20 donation about 2 years ago
Hey. Life is hard enough in too many ways. I've been through some of these emotions. It's tough from the guys side of things so you're handling yourself well.
Amy Wall commented with a $10 donation about 2 years ago
Good vibes & best wishes to a wonderful outcome.
Cindy Gleason commented with a $50 donation about 2 years ago
You guys so deserve this and will be wonderful parents. Sending lots of love and good vibes your way.
Elizabeth Parkin commented with a $50 donation about 2 years ago
This is great and I'm sure going you are going to reach your goal. Happy for you both!!!